About Adrian Ibrom


There really is nothing more rewarding than the creative arts, and when combined with technology there are very few limitations.

I am Graphic Designer, Digital Marketer and Web Designer. Although I started on a creative path at an early age, it was when I combined my love of art with my passion for technology that things took on a whole new meaning. Graphic design, technology and the internet have provided a powerful commercial outlet for my creative energy.

I have worked on many marketing projects over the years with companies in the UK, Europe and the United States. Everything from 3D animation for property developers, to promotional print material for Hollywood music award events.

My focus has always been attention to detail and creative thinking, whether I am working on company branding, promotional material for print or an online marketing campaign. Even though the end result is very exciting, how you get there is also important, and for me the creative process is often the most rewarding part.

I can draw inspiration from just about anything, but my primary sources will always come from popular culture, technology, architecture and the natural world. The internet will always be one of my most valuable resources, not only for learning and research, but also as one of the most accessible promotional and marketing mediums around. Everything has to be put into context and when the virtual strengths of the internet are combined with those of the real world in innovative ways, great things can be achieved with minimal resources.